Exhibit of the Fortnight
30.12.2013 to 12.01.2014

The Government Museum, Chennai has organized Exhibit of the fortnight on "METAL TOYS AND HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS OF THE 19TH CENTURY" from 30.12.2013 to 12.01.2014 at the main building of the Government Museum, Chennai. This exhibition imparts knowledge about the ancient metal atrtefacts. Both Indian and foreign visitors have enjoyed the display. A colourful pamphlet with information and pictures has been distributed among the visiting public.
Exhibit of the Fortnight
16.12.2013 to 29.12.2013
The Government Museum, Chennai has organized Exhibit of the fortnight on “SILVER QUARTER PAGODA COIN” from 16.12.2013 to 29.12.2013 at the main building of the Government Museum, Chennai. This fortnight exhibition gave special focus on Indo-British coinage. Both Indian, foreign visitors have enjoyed the display. A colourful handout with information was distributed among the visiting public.

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Click here to view the larger image |
Exhibit of the Fortnight
03.06.2013 to 16.06.2013
The Government Museum, Chennai has organized Exhibit of the fortnight on "THANJAVUR ART PLATE" from 03.06.2013 to 16.06.2013 at the main building of the Government Museum, Chennai. This exhibition gave awareness about the ancient Thanjavur art techniques among the visiting public. Visitors from India and abroad have enjoyed the exhibit. A colourful handout providing information has been distributed among the visiting public.
39th Refresher course on
Care of Museum Objects with special reference to Manuscripts
1st to 30th June 2013

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Click here to view the larger image |
Click here to download the Application for the 39th Refresher course on Care of Museum Objects with special reference to Manuscripts - 1st to 30th June 2013 |
Exhibit of the Fortnight
18.05.2013 to 31.05.2013
The Government Museum, Chennai has organized Exhibit of the fortnight on “MYSORE WAR MEDAL” from 18.05.2013 to 31.05.2013 at the main building of the Government Museum, Chennai. This fortnight exhibition was inaugurated by Dr. R. Kannan I.A.S., Principal Secretary to Government and Commissioner of Museums. Both Indian and foreign visitors have enjoyed the display. A colourful handout with information has been distributed among the visiting public.