Kumbakonam Taluk, Thanjavur District. Height 56 cm. About 12 th
Century AD.
He is represented as
standing with a pair of hands, holding a lotus flower in each hand. A halo behind his
head can be seen. He is standing on bare feet. There is an ornate simha mukha on the
waistband. The other notable features are fully swaying yajnopavita and tapering
karanda makuta. |

Thondaradippodi Alvar
Tiruppuvanam, Sivaganga
Taluk, Madurai District. Height 47 cm. About 15th Century AD.
He is seen
standing on a padmasana over a square bhadrasana with a clean shaven head
and a tuft over the head. The hands are in anjali posture. There is a basket
seen hanging on the left arm for collecting the flowers. His under garment is seen with a
loop. Ears are bored and extended. |
Mullangudi, Kumbakonam
Taluk, Tanjore District. Height 12 cm. About 17th Century AD.
Veda, water
vessel in the hands. There is no umbrella or pedestal.
On the top of the head is a forwardly directed tuft of hair. The only
clothing is a narrow strip of cloth between the legs, attached at either end to a string
around the waist; but all the usual ornaments are present. The Vedas are in the form
of a cudgeon manuscript, the bundle of leaves being secured by two bands. The sacred thread is
very broad with a single thread going behind and another going into the under garment.