National Art Gallery, Government Museum, Chennai (Madras)


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    Graphite is carbon. It is also known as black lead or plumbago. It is a very soft to steel-grey mineral having a greasy feel. Its hardness is between 1 and 2 and the specific gravity varies from 2 to 2.3. The lustre of graphite varies from metallic to earthy and its streak is black.

     Graphite is used in the manufacture of pencils, refractory crucibles, paints etc.



   Orpiment is a trisulphide of arsenic. Crystals are rare. Hardness varies from 1.5 to 2 and the specific gravity is 3.5. The colour of orpiment is of various shades of yellow. Its lustre is resinous.

    Orpiment usually associated with realgar. Orpiment is used as a pigment.








    Wolframite is a tungstate of iron and manganese crystallising in the monoclinic system. Crystals are commonly tabular or prismatic. It is a heavy mineral with a specific gravity of 7 to 7.5 and hardness of 5 to 5.5. It is dark brown or black in colour. Its streak is black and its lustre is sub-metallic.

    Wolframite is used as an ore of tungsten.

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