National Art Gallery, Government Museum, Chennai (Madras)


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Indian Miniature Paintings



Taimur of Samarkand

     Size : 22 x 14 cm.

     Tempera on paper.

     Moghul. Late 17th century.

     Got in exchange from the Museum and Picture Gallery, Baroda, in 1952. The king is shown as sitting in his chamber, wearing yellow coat. The figure and the background is lemon yellow. The expression of the king shows that he is calm mood.

Taimur of Samarkand

Rani Durgavati



Rani Durgavati

     Size : 13 x 11 cm.

     Tempera on paper.

     Moghul school. Late 17th century.

     Transferred from the School of Arts and crafts in 1943. The picture shows, the Rani in standing posture, she holds flower in her left hand. An inscription is written on the top portion of the painting.



Jehangir and Nurjehan

     Size : 24 x 14 cm.

     Tempera on paper.

     Moghul School. About 17th Century AD.


Jehangir and Nurjehan


An illustration to Shah-Nama


An illustration to Shah-Nama

     Size : 19 x 9 cm.

     Tempera on paper.

     Moghul school, 17th Century AD.

     Got in Exchange from the Museum and Picture Gallery, Baroda in 1952.

     The picture shows the battle scene. A few of the warriors possess arrow and battle axe in their hands. Some of them are fighting cavaliers.

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