National Art Gallery, Government Museum, Chennai (Madras)


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Sedimentary Rocks


Sedimentary Rocks

       Sedimentary rocks have been derived from the process of erosion, transportation and deposition by various natural agencies such as wind, water, glacier etc. The loose sediments which are deposited, undergo the process of  compaction and the resulting products are known as sedimentary rocks.

     The important features of the  sedimentary rocks are

  • They are generally soft.

  • Fossils are common.

  • Quartz, clay, calcite, dolomite are the common minerals.

     The important sedimentary rocks such as limestone, sandstone, clay, kaolin, conglomerate and banded sandstone are on display.



    It is a massive pale grey sedimentary rock characterised by the presence of calcium carbonate. It displays concoidal fracture and readily effervesces with acid.







    It is pale yellow in colour and comprises of fine sand grains cemented by argillaceous material. This specimen is collected from Nellore.


    It is compact, greyish white in colour. It gives an earthy smell when breathed upon.



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