It is a greyish medium to fine grained rock
comprised of yellowish grey feldspar, pale bluish grey quartz and dark glistening grains of
hypersthene . It is an acid rock over saturated with silica. It is collected from Pallavaram,
Chennai. This rock is named after Job Charnock, an East India company clerk and founder of
Calcutta, whose tombstone is made of charnockite. |
is mono mineralic rock and consists essentially yellowish green olivine. It is a pale
yellowish green, fine grained granular rock. This specimen was collected from Chalk
hills, Salem. |
The syenite is a coarse grained igneous rock
characterised by the presence of feldspar. Typical ferro magnesian minerals such as
hornblende, biotite, augite, zircon and apatite are common accessory minerals.
It is medium grained rock comprised of grey plagioclase
feldspars. It is also known as black granite.