Animals of the Past
The strange creatures
that flourished on the face of this earth millions of years ago are depicted in the form of
realistic miniature models assembled in a series of three dioramas. These reduced models of
various dinosaurs and other extinct reptiles such as Stegosaurus, Brontosaurus, Triceratops,
etc., and some of the better known extinct mammals of the tertiary period such as Sivatherium
and Moeritherium and the still later ones of the Pleistocene period (Elephas primigenius) are
mounted on realistic artificial foregrounds with suitable backgrounds of contemporary
landscape showing the typical vegetation that flourished during that remote period.
Animals of the Past-
Dimetrodon or Sail
Reptile: It lived about 160 million years ago. It was a flesh eater and it was
about 14 feet in length.
Brontosaurs or Thunder
Lizard: It lived about 125 million years ago. The length of the
body was about 65 feet. It was about 30 tons in weight and it was a plant eater.
It was a flying lizard measuring about 4 feet.
Triceratops: Means
"three horned face". It was about 25 feet in length and a plant eater.
Stegosaurus: It
was about 30 feet in length and had a smallest brain (in proportion to its size) of all
land animals. This was also a plant eater.