Egyptian Civilisation
More than 5000
years ago the ancient Egyptians ruled in the Nile Valley and developed a grand civilisation.
It was around 3100 BC
that a king called Menes brought all Egypt under his rule. The kings of Egypt were called
Pharaohs". Isia and Osiris were the two important gods of the Ancient Egypt.
Egyptians believed
that the Pharaohs were gods, descended from the heavens to rule over them. When a pharaoh
died, his soul went back to heaven. So they worked out ways of embalming the bodies of the
Pharaohs after death and kept them in tombs called pyramids. The largest and the
most famous of the pyramids is the Great Pyramid built for Pharaoh Khufu in about 2500 BC. It
is more than 480 feet high and about 760 feet long on each side of its square base. The
possessions of the Pharaohs were buried with them in the tombs. These consisted of an enormous
variety of things like jewellery, objects of metal, pottery, clothing, furniture etc., which
gives us a picture of their culture.
The early Egyptians
developed a form of writing called hieroglyphics. They discovered the use of a
reed called papyrus base material for writing. They devised a calendar, which with
slight modifications has lasted till the present. Their sculptures and paintings show their
high attainments.