National Art Gallery, Government Museum, Chennai (Madras)


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 Mammal Gallery



The Tiger

   The Indian tiger (Felis tigris) is found throughout India, from the Himalayas to Cape Comorin, with the exception of the desert regions in Sind, Punjab and Rajasthan. It has been found even at high elevations on the hills and in the Himalayas, recorded at altitudes of 10,000 feet. It usually frequents wet, evergreen forest, but it also inhabits open dry jungles and grassy marshes. The tiger preys upon game animals of all kinds including deer, wild boar and other carnivorous animals such as panthers.


The Tiger

The Black Panther





The Black Panther

   The panther is distributed all over India, Burma and Sri Lanka. It lives in forests as well as in open country in rocky ground or in scrub jungle. The panther is more diurnal in it's habits than the tiger and frequently goes about in search of its prey during the day. A black variety of the panther, known as the Black Panther occurs in India. In this variety, the general colour of the coat is uniformly black or very intensely dark brown but the spots can still be made out if the skin is viewed from certain angles in favourable light.

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